Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Rudy Currence

Get the Albums On iTunes Dude Is Bad!!




Sunday, September 20, 2009

More Quotes

“Change comes when you renew you mind with Gods word. You must be honest with yourself and confront the truth about what you need to change in your life”

“The zoe life of God is eternal life. When you accept Jesus, Gods eternal life is imparted into you, giving you the ability to be successful in life”

“Your attitude is a determining factor in achieving success in life. The greatest desire of the Father is for His children to be blessed”

“Whenever an excuse comes through feelings of doubt or fear, remind yourself God is with you and has given you supernatural ability”

“How you start and finish your day is very important. Start and end each day in the Word and with prayer. That’s how you prepare for daily success!”

“You are equipped with his power and love. Your heavenly Father is on your side and equips you to do whatever He speaks to your heart.”

“The Holy Spirit will help us change, but we must do our part. Real change allows you to be a witness to others of Gods goodness”

“What you accomplish in life matters most when you have used your accomplishments to impact the lives of others. You have been blessed to be a blessing”

“God has given you authority over every aspect of your life, including your own mind! Fight bad thoughts with Gods Word”

“Do not allow the fear of failure to stop you from stepping out to accomplish what God outs in your heart. He will make the provisions available!”

“Today marks the start of a new day. You cannot change what took place yesterday, last week or last month. Forget about the past, and press forward!”

“Today many of us will hear the Word of God taught. But what is important is what we DO with what we hear. Do the Word today and get results!”

“In your spare time today, spend it with God. Break out of your normal routine, and enjoy His presence. Sacrifice your Me Time and give God His time.”

“Sometimes we want other people to change, but in reality, we cannot make them change. Change must start within ourselves. Change is the order of the day!”

“You will always have an opportunity to give up, cave in and quit. But why quit when you have God on your side? Do not make giving up an option. Press forward!”

“Do not allow thoughts of inferiority to keep you from accomplishing great things. You may feel like you are always coming up short, but be confident in God!”

“Whenever you begin thinking in a way that doesn’t line up with the Word, cast those wrong thoughts down by speaking God’s Word”

“Be steadfast in maintaining a mindset that is focused on God and His Word. This will be the key to your success!”

“No matter what temptation and no matter the pressure to give in, pause and consider what the Word says. Be bold enough to align your thoughts with the Word”

“It takes courage to do thing Gods way especially when everyone around you is trying to steer you away from the things of God”

“When you make excuses, you postpone your deliverance. Many times, you have to encourage and motivate yourself. Say to the Lord, “Yes, I really want it!””

“Manage you life by accepting responsibility for your spiritual growth. Guard your heart and mind against ungodly influences”

“Are you struggling with making a major decision today? Pause. Have you involved God? You should. He will always steer you in the right direction. Trust Him!”

“When you sincerely desire to change, it require diligence in applying the principles of Gods Word. Consistently seeking Him through His Word.”

“When it look like everyone around you is not progressing in life, become a front runner for change. Let them see the results of allowing God to work.”

“If you struggle with reoccurring challenges, you can end the struggle. Completely yield your life over to God; He has the answer for whatever you are facing.”

“Do you easily put up a guard to protect yourself from hurt? That is fear. Trust God guidance concerning your relationships. His job is to protect you.”

“It is easy to become offended. So do not allow yourself to become offended for any reason. Offense will only hinder your spiritual growth and progress.”

“How do you love the unlovable? Start by reading what the Word says about love. Make what the Word says the final authority. 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 4:7-21”

“I am confident that you can experience lasting success as you commit yourself to walking in the love of God.”

“Pass the love test today. When the opportunity arises for you to get strife, chose Gods way which is the high road of love. Walking in love is your power!”

“Show love toward the people you encounter day in and day out, even when it is hard to love them, even when it hurts. Loving people gives you the victory!”

“Your consistent steady commitment to applying the Word in your life will produce great rewards. Consistency is a key to experiencing breakthrough.”

“Today, focus on the goodness of God and not the negative things that may be affecting your life. Its easy to give up but don’t. Trust God and His Word!”

“People may not always recognize your worth, but God does. He knows that you are valuable. You mean a lot to Him. So don’t try to please people; please God!”

“God loves you and gave you His Word so that you can have great results in your prayer life. Pray with confidence in the word of God.”

“Gods way is the best way. Renew your mind with His Word, and realize you have the power to change. Stick to your decisions! Philippians 4:13”

“Emotions can either lead you toward fulfilling the will of God or they can lead you away. Govern your emotions by the Word of God and not by emotions”

“Rejoice no matter the circumstance. I know what its like to not feel like rejoicing. But joy and confidence in the midst of trouble is important!”

“There comes a time when you have to stand firm in faith in the midst of your circumstance. That time is now. Stay strong in the Lord. He is on your side!”

“Some people try to prepare themselves mentally to handle the pressure of life. As Believers prepare ourselves spiritually must be priority. Seek God first.”

“As you enjoy yourself today., remember to take several moments throughout the day to spend time with God. Enjoy His presence. He wants quality time with you!”

“Joy comes from your application of the word. Your knowledge without the application means nothing…”

“We make choices everyday. Today choose to walk in the joy of the Lord even if you don’t feel like it. Joy comes from the knowledge of the Word. Enjoy life!”

“When things don’t work out the way you expect them to, don’t lose heart. Disappointment may come but don’t allow it to steal your joy and confidence in God!”

“When you are in the midst of a tough situation, you may be tempted to do what you know should not. In those times, make Gods way your only option.”

“It takes courage to obey God when you are pressured by negative circumstances to give up. You are not a quitter. So always trust God and his Word!”

“Regardless of the situation you may be facing now, trust that God is on your side and has a plan to give you the victory. You are not helpless!”

“God is a God of the second chances. No matter what you may have done, He loves you and wants the best for you. Never doubt Him, believe in it.”

“How you see yourself makes all the difference in the world. So begin seeing yourself through the eyes of the Word of God. You are the apple of Gods eye.”

“No matter the trial you may be facing right now, trust God and His ability to lead you to victory. Struggles do not last always Gods wisdom and love does!”

“God has not and will never stop loving you regardless what you may have done. Simply believe in His love and trust His guidance. He cares for you!”

“Decisions: we all make them daily. They affect out destinations in life. Therefore, make decisions based on the Word of God and you will find the will of God “

“One way to experience change in your life is to help change the life of someone else. Allow God to use you to bless others. He will make sure you are rewarded.”

“You may be faced with hard times right now. But do not become pressured into faithlessness. In other words, do not lose confidence in God and His Word.”

“There may be times when you are tempted to make bad decisions because of the situation you are in. But remember, Believers trust God and stand firm in faith!”

“Change will take place in your life as you make decisions in line with Gods Word. Make the Word your source for guidance to get results. Trust the Word.”

“People have basic needs for acceptance, identity, security and purpose. One you develop confidence in Gods love, you will never go unsatisfied.”

“Just as we have stepped into a new year may you and your loved ones step into the overflow of Gods goodness. You are blessed—empowered to prosper!”

“Felling drained emotionally, sad and depressed? Know that the joy of the lord is your strength. Find joy in the knowledge of what the Word says. Be encouraged!”

“Just case you doubt Gods love for you, do not doubt any longer. He is a loving Father Who always wants the best for you. Trust His love. He cares for you.”

“Life will bring you challenges. But trust in the answers found in the Word of God. The Word is the light that will illuminate your understanding of how to win!”

“When it comes to faith, exercise it toward the love of God. Have faith I the love he has towards you. His love will never fail you not even in tough times!”

“Make cultivating your faith in the love of God an important part of your Christian life. Knowing the God loves you is critical to walking in confidence,”

“Does it feel like you are at you lowest point today? Know that God loves you and wants to make things better for you. Depend on His Word and trust His love.”

“When it seems like you are experiencing your darkest hour of trouble, know that the light of Gods Word will illuminate a path toward peace and wholeness.”

“The enemy will try to stop you from fulfilling your calling; however, recognize that your trials are a sign you are making progress, and promotion is on the way.”

“Yes someone may have hurt you and damaged your ability to trust them. But do not hold on to hurt. Embrace love and forgiveness instead, even if it hurts.”

“Psalm 118 verse 8 says it is better to trust God than to put confidence in man. God will never hurt you. He loves you and always will. So trust Him!”

“Without faith it is impossible to please God. Be a God-pleaser by committing yourself to living a life of faith regardless what you may be facing right now.”

“Everyday is an opportunity to honor God by expressing your confidence in Him and in His Word. Make walking by faith your lifestyle. Faith pleases God.”

“Enjoy the life God gave you. Do not allow yourself to become stressed during this time of the year. Stand firm in faith and expect things to change!”

“The way you think today is a result of the words you have heard, said,, and believed over time. Words are like seeds that produce after their own kind”

“Your life’s journey begins with the words you speak and hear, positive or negative. Words are powerful; they have the ability to reverse any situation.”

“Access your inheritance by examining areas in your life that need to be whole. Then activate salvation in those areas by speaking Gods Word over them every day.”

“God wants to position you for greatness! Salvation is key to unlocking your destiny. Decide to live a life of wholeness today!”

“Evaluate where you are in your renewal process. Check yourself and your relationships with God and others to be sure you are operating in truth”

“Surrender all of your plans to the Lord. When you do, the Holy Spirit will speak to you in order to direct your path”

“When situations come up that go against what the Bible says, don’t let those scenarios get past the checkpoint of Word-controlled mind.”

“Sometimes it takes removing yourself from the comfortable and familiar in order to start receiving the word necessary to bring you into the good life.”

“Make sure you are always planting good seed in good soil to produce your desired harvest. Send valuable time in the Word of God.”

“Weather you need healing deliverance, or a financial breakthrough, the first step is to find out what God says about it.”

“Believe God for abundant life. Hebrews 10:35 says to make sure you don’t throw away your confidence, as it will be rewarded. Never doubt Gods love for you.”

“The Word makes it very clear that God has a specific plan for you. There should be no doubt in your mind about that.”

“The battle of words is won or lost in a the area of your mind. It is up to you to reject the negative words the enemy plants in your mind.”

“When you know that Jesus has removed all burdens, you will refuse to be weighted down by them. Meditating on the Word will give you access to victorious living.”

“Renewing your mind in the area of love will also give you a new understanding of who you are in Christ. You will rise above every circumstance.”

“Gods glory is the manifestation of His Word. So plant the Word in your heart and expect results.”

“If you feel like you have reached a low point in your life, allow the joy of the Lord to be your strength,. Meditate on

Quotes/Motiviational Words

"The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray."
Proverbs 12:26

"If your too busy, and I’m too busy our relationship is off schedule"

"You will never be the person you are, if your always being the person everyone else wants you to be"

"Becoming a Man or a Woman isn’t by circumstances its by choice"

"Don’t let your surroundings determine your attributes, let your attributes determine your surroundings"

"How do you know how much of a servant you are until your treated like a servant"

"Behind every face there is a story"

"Cursing is the sign of an ignorant mind trying to express itself"

"The truth will set you free"

"He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, but he who heeds rebuke gets understanding"
Proverbs 15:32

"He who finds a wife, finds a good thing"

"The present is a gift and I just wanna be"

"To be or not to be that is the question"

"Vengeance is mine says the Lord"

"I still walk on the same ground, I just have better shoes"
Oprah W.

"Although I’m young the Spirit that resides in me is Not"

"I have been Crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me"
Galatains 2:20

"I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain"
Galatians 2:21

"God was manifested in the flesh, Justified by the spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory"
Timothy 3:16

"See how great a forest a little fire kindles"
James 3:5

"For i am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation for all who believe, to the Jews first and also to the Greeks"
Romans 1:16

"I planted, Apollo’s watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase."
1 Corinthians 3:6-7

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised"
Proverbs 31:30

"For the commandments is a lamp, and the law is a light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life"
Proverbs 5:23

"Follow anything that makes you want to do right. Pursue faith and love and peace, and enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts."
2 Timothy 2:22

Friday, September 11, 2009

Okay A Quick Update.

Sorry it's been so long I've been working and I'm trying to get a leg up on this school work. About a month or so ago I was celebrating with friend and family for my parents 25th anniversary (Grooves Downtown) .And as all the celebration was going on I turned my attention to the tabel on the other side of the room which was also a writer (Daniel Milbry) who just released a book which by the way has a book signing at Third Planet Book Store on September 26th. I went over and talked to him for only 5 or 10 minutes but just through the two of us conversing I could see that he was a hard worker, and he loved what he was doing.
So when you get a minute check his website http://theda-maisaga.webs.com/ drop him a line whatever you feel.
Be Blessed!
(Life On Hold is On the way Followed By Top Of My Lungs, or it could be the other way around depending on which way the Lord wants it )